Jesus is our Merciful Mentor

Pastor Bill Beckmann - 9/10/2023

Exodus 33:7-9; Romans 13:1–10; Matthew 18:1–20

The word mentor can be both a noun describing a trusted counselor or a verb meaning to guide someone in new learning. The word originally was the name of a person from classical literature: Mentor was a friend of the Greek hero Odysseus who was entrusted with the education of his son Telemachus. You may have had special mentors throughout your life. We are reminded that Jesus our Lord is our best and most devoted mentor. A well-loved hymn by German writer Sigismund von Birken begins with these words: “Let us ever walk with Jesus, follow His example pure” (LSB 685:1). Jesus is our merciful mentor who gently leads us day by day along the path that leads to eternal life. We follow gladly in His footsteps!

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