Rest from the War Within

Pastor Eric Moeller - 7/9/2023

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.” When we hear these words of the prophet Zechariah in the season of Advent, we are evermore ready to rejoice, especially as Christmas approaches. But to hear these words now in the middle of summer may strike us as a little more challenging. The pressures and doldrums of daily life can wear away momentary joys. In fact, the call to rejoice can seem pointless echoing against the hard walls of a prison of our own making. No matter how many Christmases we have celebrated, like the apostle Paul, we may continue to feel trapped by our unrelenting sinfulness. True joy comes only as we receive the comforting words of our Lord, “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Herein is the goal of Christmas. Here today by means of the Word of God and the receiving of His body and blood, God gives you faith to believe and to receive eternal salvation. By God’s Word, even today “it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.” For here is where true joy is found. 
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